Christian Arno is founder of Lingo24, a global translation company specializing in website localization and optimization. Christian has more than nine years experience working with some of the world’s biggest global brands. Additional research and writing by Paul Sawers from Lingo24.
All signs point toward an increasingly multilingual future for the web. It’s estimated that over a billion people will be using PCs in the so-called BRIC countries alone by 2015, and the opportunity is even greater when you factor more people accessing the web using mobile devices than computers in many emerging markets. It’s time businesses of all sizes embraced the foreign language class='blippr-nobr'>Internetclass="blippr-nobr">Internet.
Foreign Languages on the Web
A truly global web must represent the languages of its users. And with growth in usage of the web in foreign languages outstripping English, businesses are playing catch-up with their potential customers. They’re rapidly trying to get as multi-lingual and diverse as their current and prospective client base.
In the last ten years, the use of Arabic online has increased by over 2500%, while Chinese and Spanish rose twelve and seven-fold respectively. And English? It didn’t even triple.
Today, 42% of all Internet users are in Asia, while almost a quarter are in Europe and just over 10% are in Latin America. These stats shouldn’t sway businesses towards targeting one region over another, though — Latin American countries account for over 200 million people on the web.
However, the vast majority of all online searches are in a language other than English. English is losing its online market share rapidly, which is no bad thing for businesses that recognize and embrace the opportunities on the foreign language Internet.
Optimizing the Non-English Web
The rise of the foreign language Internet doesn’t change the fact English leads the world in terms of volume and depth of content. Whether your industry is car insurance, web design or musical instruments, achieving top rankings for your English-language website for lucrative search terms is getting ever more difficult. The English-language web is saturated and competition for key search terms is tough, which makes increasing your online visibility tough too.
Conversely, the saturation of key search terms on non-English language websites hasn’t reached anywhere near the level of the English-language web. This means that businesses can attain high — and lucrative — positions on search engines far easier on the foreign language Internet.
This also means that it costs less for businesses to achieve prominence on the foreign language web. So the return on your internet marketing investment in Brazil, Russia, India, China — whatever your target market — should be greater than in English-speaking markets.
And the successful web marketer’s advantage when tackling the foreign language Internet is that you already know the essentials to achieve prominence online. You’ve proved this in the web’s toughest language market: English.
Chitika Research found that the difference between first and second place on Googleclass="blippr-nobr">Google is significant. In fact, a number one spot on Google attracts nearly double the traffic as the number two spot, and about the same amount of traffic as the second through fifth spots combined. For marketers, you’re several times more likely to hit top spot if you escape English-language levels of competition and target almost any other language market.
Going Local
Doesn’t everyone speak English? Although many non-natives of English do, studies have shown consumers are up to five times more likely to buy from a website with content in their native language.
It stands to reason that consumers would rather search for products and services in their own language. Even if a consumer does speak English as a second language, a report by Common Sense Advisory found that 85% of online shoppers required information in their own language before parting with their hard-earned cash.
So to really make the most of the foreign language Internet, you need search engine optimized localization — a hybrid somewhere between what an Internet marketing company and a translation service provider might offer.
Localization involves addressing the cultural and linguistic needs of each of your target countries. When it comes to search, this includes addressing different local search habits. It’s more complicated than simply translating the search terms that work for you in English. In Italy, for example, one of the top terms for low cost airlines is actually half English, half Italian (“voli low cost”). As British and Irish airlines pioneered low cost travel in Europe, it seems their language infiltrated the Italian psyche and made this hybrid term lucrative. Brands really need local knowledge if they’re to take advantage of commercial opportunities like this.
A 2007 paper by the Localization Industry Standards Association (LISA) reported that $25 dollars was returned for every $1 invested in localization. And with e-commerce set to grow by over 10% (CAGR) in Western Europe alone over the next five years, and much faster in so-called emerging markets, businesses should be gearing up for the surge in Internet spending.
Search and Social
Google’s search algorithm uses many aspects of online activity to determine how highly a website is ranked for a given term. Social media is becoming an increasingly important factor. What does this mean for the multi-lingual digital marketer?
The number of tweets a piece of your content receives and the reputation of those tweeters is important. The same goes for “Likes” on Facebookclass="blippr-nobr">Facebook or “Diggs” on Diggclass="blippr-nobr">Digg. From a foreign language perspective, increased use of social media around the world creates another opportunity to communicate with customers and a way to improve search rankings at the same time.
According to comScore, Latin American tweets are up over 300% between June 2009 and June 2010, followed by 243% in the Asia Pacific region, 142% in the Middle East and Africa, and 106% in Europe. By comparison, North America only increased by 22%.
So the “rest of the world” is actually leading the Twitterclass="blippr-nobr">Twitter revolution. Big, global companies have already taken action. Sony supports twenty international Twitter feeds, while Microsoft, Cisco and PricewaterhouseCoopers all offer Twitter feeds in ten or more languages.
Of course, to succeed locally with social media depends on the prominence of your local websites. A consumer is far more likely to follow your Twitter feed in French if they find it on your French language website. Developing global social media strategies and fully SEO’d localized websites should all form part of the same grand globalization plan.
This plan should also factor what social media platforms are popular locally. According to Comscore, Russia is the biggest country for engaging with social media overall, with Yandex the number one platform. Facebook isn’t even in the top ten most popular websites in Russia. And while Brazil is big on Twitter (alongside Indonesia), Orkutclass="blippr-nobr">Orkut rules the roost there as the mainstream go-to social network.
Similar patterns emerge across the world. Just because one social network leads your home market, this may not be the case in your target market.
Putting the “World” in “World Wide Web”
May 2010 saw a major development for the foreign language Internet — something that will make the web itself more localized. ICANN, the Internet regulator, enabled full URLs in non-Latin scripts. This includes the country code, which means that Arabic and Chinese characters can be used in web addresses.
This is another clear sign that the web is becoming less English-centric. Businesses that have thus far tackled only English-speaking markets online — with perhaps German, French or Spanish thrown in to help support their single biggest international markets — must cater to a more diverse user base.
The foreign language Internet is the low-cost gateway to global success. With online populations growing at a frenetic pace in the non-English speaking world, businesses need to plan how they’ll keep up. Consumers and businesses in the fastest growing markets of the world -– online and offline -– want to talk to you in their languages. And their languages are usually anything but English.
More Business Resources from Mashable:
- 5 Tips for Marketing Online to an International Audience
/> - 5 Tips for Developing a Global-Friendly Website
/> - HOW TO: Build Your International Business Network Online
/> - 6 Free Web Tools for Managing Time Differences
/> - 15 Mobile Translation Apps for the International Businessperson
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In this month’s issue of Wired Magazine, writer Ted Greenwald described the trending Silicon Valley meme, “WDYDWYD or Why Do You Do What You Do?” calling it the “hottest team-building meme since Outward Bound.”
The meme originated in 2004 at Burning Man by artist Tony Deifell who posted photos of strangers answering the questions on the Ning social network. The inspiration behind the meme originated with a call he received late one night from a young student working on a school project. She blurted out, “Why do you do what you do?” Deifell was quite taken a back, and like many people faced with the question, he embarked upon an existential meditation.
I couldn’t get the words out in a clear way. I tried to refigure how to make my answer more essential. I realized I needed to be more deliberate in my choices in the world. It haunted me.
Deifell has since carried WDYDWYD from the festival to the Silicon Valley boardrooms of the National Holistic Institute, Google and Twitter. The site, which he describes as an open-sourced art project, is still growing steadily on Ning.
Student Joe Moloughney founded the WDYDWYD Facebook group, calling it a worldwide community art project with 1,500 members. Their Twitter page has over 1,000 followers. Artists like photographer Bill Kennedy, author/cartoonist Hugh MacLeod and French performance artist Séverine Carminati have all got involved.
But this meme is still primarily just on the West Coast. So, what would the East Coast answer? I asked a few prominent East Coasters, “Why do you do what you do?”
Here are their answers:
“To someday be able to answer this question.”
- Ashley Casselman, Senior Associate at the World Economic Forum.
“I am an insecure short girl from Florida. I never considered myself enough.”
-Laurel Touby, Founder and SVP,
“I do what I do because of the thrill of discovery. And becuase the world is changing at an incredibly rapid rate, and somebody needs to be there to chronicle it.”
- Seth Porges, an Editor at Popular Mechanics
“I love the Internet, sure, but I mostly do what I do because of the people in my industry. It’s a world of movers, shakers, api-makers. Everyone is smart, and on the cutting-edge of what’s next. It’s simply the most exciting industry to work in, and also the most fun.”
-Soraya Darabi, Co-Founder of Foodspotting.
“Because I can’t stop…and I’m not sure I want to.”
- Julia Kaganskiy, Editor of The Creators Project and Founder of the ArtsTech Meetup.
“Because making the world suck less is SO MUCH FUN.”
- Alexis Ohanian, Co-Founder of Reddit and Head of Marketing for Hipmunk
“I do what I do because I’m a huge nerd. At RJMetrics, we use technology to solve complex, interesting problems for some of the fastest-growing companies in the world. This makes for nerd paradise, and I wouldn’t trade it for any other job.”
-Robert J. Moore, CEO of RJMetrics.
“In my case, the answer comes down to “enlightened self interest”. I am truly focused on the long-term goal of leaving the world a better place than I found it (the wonderful concept of ‘tikun olam’). As a pragmatic capitalist, I believe that can best be done by harnessing the powers of free market forces, and as a believer in democracy, I believe that society then needs to work collectively to tweak the margins to guide humanity in the right direction. As a result, I have created a unique and strange personal world surrounding me…like a high tech PeeWee’s Playhouse. I am an entrepreneur, angel investor, teacher, mentor, speaker, father, futurist and political activist, all of which taken together occupy me 16 hours a day, seven days a week, with an insane work and travel schedule. But I truly believe that I am having more pure fun in life than almost anyone else I know, and this combination of pleasure and purpose is Why I Do What I Do.”
- David S. Rose, Managing Principal of Rose Tech Ventures and founder and Chairman of New York Angels.
What makes our New York answers resemblant of our city? A touch of irony perhaps? A grittier sense of responsibility? A necessity to be edgier?
After asking so many of my peers, I gave it a think. I do what I do because every writer requires inspiration. So my fellow East Coasters, WDYDWYD?
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
bench craft company scam
Exclusive: Sarah Palin Under Cyber-Attack from Wikileaks <b>...</b>
The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email. Hackers in London apparently affiliated ... - F1 <b>News</b>: Lotus unveils F1 plans with Renault
Group Lotus has ramped up its involvement in Formula 1 by becoming title sponsor and a major shareholder in the rebranded Lotus Renault GP Team.
Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone | iLounge <b>News</b>
iLounge news discussing the Peel announces Universal Control for iPhone. Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.
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